Digital Training

Make the most out of your internet use with training and one-on-one support that helps you connect in ways that make a difference.

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Attend a Training Class

January 2025 Courses are available (click here)

The City of St. Petersburg library system is an amazing resource for classes or even a technology petting zoo!

Additional resources for future classes are listed below.

Do you offer community classes and want to be added to this list?
Visit the Contact page to learn how to get involved.


Florida Ready to Work - Florida's career readiness training and credentialing program) is preparing students and jobseekers with the employability skills required to take the next step toward technical training / certification, apprenticeship, and employment. It is a research-based career readiness focused on developing a work-ready talent pipeline with essential employability skills. Accessible from a computer or smartphone

Metrix Learning - Empowers individuals by offering comprehensive online learning resources, enabling them to upskill to meet the demands of today's employment landscape.

Finding Reliable Data - This workshop is a part of St. Petersburg Data Literacy for Community Action (DLCA). Led by an expert curriculum developer and data education instructor this workshop will address the issues of finding and trusting data. We will focus on local data and include speakers using local data to make community change.


Training for Seniors

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Learn how to connect with email, video conferencing, access to public resources, and more. These courses will be offered online.




Training for Adults

Florida Ready to Work

An online, free resource accessible from a computer or smartphone


An online, free resource accessible from a computer or smartphone

Career Source Pinellas

Continue to sharpen your skills for the job market! Career Source regularly hosts “Computer Basics” and “Essential Technology Skills”. Check their website to register for courses.

SPC Online Classes

Take classes at St. Petersburg College to develop your digital knowledge! Please note, there is a fee involved.



Training for PCSB Students

Family E-Learning Coaching Team provides free, computer technology service and education. We can help with free internet connections, email, and programs designed to help students complete their schoolwork online.

Submit an E-Learning Technology Support Request

For questions about the services provided, contact Chris Davis, Program Coordinator at 727-588-4816, ext. 2141, or

Tech Classes for Middle + High Schoolers via TASCO

The Center for Teen Technology (CTT) is a unique experience that offers technology classes throughout the year and a summer camp that includes the same extreme summer camp experience you get from one of the middle school summer camp except for the everyday focus on technology.

These courses are designed to introduce teens to different media and technologies, and progress to hands-on learning experiences. Participants use DSLR digital cameras, video cameras, robots, 3D printers, and computers in our state-of-the-art facility. Our programs are fun, value-based programs, so teens want to be involved.